Manipulating Young Adult Smokers

RJ Reynolds Report: Effects of Sampling and Image Projection Among Young Adult Smokers

  From: Taylor Shain
  Date: October 18, 1984

Summary of Image
Page One
"When a younger adult smoker pulls out his pack, takes a cigarette from it and lays the pack upon the table, he is sending an important message to his peers. The medium for that message is the pack itself. The message should communicate commitment and acceptance of the brand and what it stands for."
[click on image to download document -- 23K]

Summary of Image
Page Two
"Acceptance testing and projection are integral parts of peer acceptance. FUBYAS (First Usual Brand Young Adult Smokers) are aware of their life-style accoutrements, and how those things are perceived by their peers. They must always project that they are 'with it' and 'together' - i.e., conforming to the standards set by the group."
[click on image to download document -- 21K]


BACKGROUND NOTE: This document is instrumental in understanding how the industry so deftly perpetuates its youth market in the face of advertising restrictions. As the document indicates, far more important than advertising is what youth see their peers doing. This is the key to convincing large numbers of teens to act a certain way, smoke, use certain brands, etc.

The industry exploits adolescents' powerful need for peer acceptance in order to sell cigarettes. In my view, this document also explains why it is so crucial to the industry to preserve their ability to use self-service cigarette displays: such displays assist young people in obtaining the "standard, full pack" sample of cigarettes, which, in addition to brand logos, carry far more adult prestige and communicate more of an adult 'lifestlye commitment' than a free-sample 12-pack or single cigarettes.


While trial and image work well with regular smokers, a third crucial element comes into play when attempting to convert 'First Usual Brand Young Adult Smokers (FUBYAS),' -- peer acceptance and acceptance projection. Peer acceptance/acceptance projection occurs when a FUBYAS exposes his brand preference to his peers. This exposure is represented by the pack, which in turn, recalls the image and communicates the preference. The pack becomes the image focal point.

When a younger adult smoker pulls out his pack, takes a cigarette from it and lays the pack upon the table, he is sending an important message to his peers. The medium for that message is the pack itself....

The usual sample 12-pack, however, can't communicate acceptance and commitment because its special size and package instantly communicates otherwise. It says, instead, 'I didn't buy this package. I received it as a freebie. Please don't judge me by this brand. Please understand how clever I was to get something for nothing.'

A standard, full pack, whether purchased or sampled, strongly suggests commitment and acceptance. If the standard pack were used as the sample, those accepting it would present to their peers a signal of acceptance and commitment, bringing the brand into the lifestyle of the target.

...FUBYAS are aware of their life-style accoutrements, and how those things are perceived by their peers. They must always project that they are 'with it' and 'together' -- i,e, conforming to the standards of the group. Their life-style decisions must appear solid and unwavering -- i.e., they must project a priori acceptance rather than the desire to be accepted - so they are consequently highly sensitized about how they communicate through these artifacts....the beer and liquor they drink, the clothes they wear, (especially t-shirts), what they read; all add to the message sum. The brand of cigarettes they smoke is perhaps one of the most powerful signals they can send....

....When his peer group views him smoking the sampled full-pack, they become, in essence, validating acceptors. To perform this ritual nothing need be spoken...

Anne Landman
American Lung Association of Colorado, West Region Office
Grand Junction

Title: Sampling Young Adult Smokers
Type of Document: Report
Author: Taylor Shain
Recipient: N/A
Date: October 18, 1984
Bates No.: 502567533/7534
No. of Pages: 2
Site: RJ Reynolds Document site
(I hope it works. If not, go to the RJR site and enter the beginning Bates number only, meaning all the numbers before the slash, in the field for Document ID)


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